On the occasion of the seventh National Coaching Week, organized by the Coaching Association of Canada, the Pat Burns Foundation presents the sixth edition of the #jaimemoncoach week which will take place from September 18th to 26th.
Special edition in tribute to Jérôme Tremblay
It is with great pride that the Pat-Burns Foundation joins Erik Breton, a sports animator at Le Carrefour School to present this special edition in tribute to Jérôme Tremblay, a well-known teacher and coach in football, who unfortunately left us from cancer in the fall.
Throughout the ”J’aime mon coach” week, we invite those who have known Jérôme to share their best memories of this coach who has made an impact on the school and sports community, in particular at Collège Nouvelles Frontières where he worked for more than ten years.
Make social media explode with videos, photos, anecdotes or even a tribute to Jerome using #jaimemoncoach and #Mercicoach! Do not hesitate to send us your content so that we can share it on our social media. You can send it to [email protected].
Join us and say “THANK YOU COACH!"
Here are some simple things you can do to pay tribute to your coach:
- Like our Facebook page and circulate our publications in your network;
- Follow us on Instagram;
- Enter our Facebook contest between September 18th and 26th. Among all the participants, two athletes will win a training session for their team at the Centre Excellence sportive Outaouais. The two winning coaches will win a $500 scholarship for their team from the Pat-Burns Foundation;
- Use #jaimemoncoach and #mercicoach in your social media posts;
- Change your Facebook cover photo for the duration of the week #jaimemoncoach 2021;
- Post a short testimonial to your coach on social media using the hashtags #JaimeMonCoach and #MerciCoach. Don’t forget to tag us so we can share your story;
- Download our certificate that you can complete and give to your coach. Why not formalize this with a photo capture that would be posted on Facebook!
You have any other ideas to thank your coach? Go ahead, be imaginative! Do not hesitate to tell us about your initiatives. We will be happy to share them on our Facebook page and on our website.
Have a good week #jaimemoncoach 2021!